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Psychocandy Ice Cream Float

Psychocandy Ice Cream Float

How do you enjoy pumpkin in the summertime? Add vanilla ice cream to chilled tea for a pumpkin caramel bomb. Our bestselling pumpkin rooibos tea Psychocandy gets richer and sweeter with a heaping scoop of vanilla ice cream.  

Makes 1 drink
Prep time: 30 minutes for tea concentrate


  • 2 tablespoons (7 grams) Psychocandy tea 
  • One large scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • Optional: 1/2-1 tsp sugar or honey


  • Infuse 2 tablespoons Psychocandy tea with 10 ounces 212°F water for 5 minutes. Strain. We don’t think this tea float needs any sweetener. But, if you like, add ½-1 tsp of sugar or honey.
  • Pour tea concentrate into glass.
  • Add a large scoop of vanilla ice cream. We like the tea to be a little warm so the ice cream melts faster.
  • Add a straw. Enjoy!


→ See more Summer Drinks
→ Teas in this recipe:


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